iRRP.Net - iDotz.Net Domain Registrar Reseller Program & Service
  TLD Domain Banners, Logos & Marketing Material

   Domain Alert service offers domain holders added protection
   in terms of hijacked accounts, unintended domain updates
   and monitoring alerts for most domain requests.

  Banners & Logo

   .FM is perfect for radio broadcasting, Internet-Only Stations, and broadcast service providers. With an .FM domain name your customers can have... A Great Sounding Web Address ends in dotFM®   Banners & Logo

   .AM is perfect for radio broadcasting, Internet-Only Stations, and broadcast service providers. With an .AM domain name your customers can have... A Great Sounding Web Address ends in dotAM®   Banners & Logo

    .TV is a "MUST SEE" Internet Presence for your broadcasting or television clients. Allows them to brand themselves with the most recognized two-letter symbol - TV   Banners & Logo

    .ASIA is the Internet top level domain for the Asian community. The .ASIA domain aspires to embrace this dynamism in the Asia Century to become a nucleus, intersection and breeding ground for Internet activity and development in the region.   Banners & Logo

   .COM & .NET are generic Internet Top Level Domains (gTLD). COM for Commercial and .NET for Networks. Both TLDs have available to a worldwide audience for all online need and commerce. Banners & Logo

   .ORG is the home of the noncommercial community on the Internet! A place where people build sites devoted to not-for-profit activities, education, politics, religion, community, and more.   Banners & Logo

 .INFO names are your clients opportunity to reach a worldwide audience with information about you, your products, and your ideas.   Banners & Logo

 .BIZ Domain Names is targeted at business who would like to create a unique web-presence. The Internet domain that caters exclusively to the needs of companies large and small around the world.   Banners & Logo

 .NAME is your clients Personal Email Address. Let your customers .NAME speak for itself. A .NAME domain is the best way to express oneself online. *NOTE: Second Level NAME Logos now available.   Banners & Logo

 .TRAVEL is the Internet top level domain exclusively for businesses, organizations and individuals in the travel industry!   Banners & Logo

 .MOBI is the first and only top level domain dedicated to delivering the Internet to mobile devices. dotMobi will revolutionize the use of the Internet on mobile devices.   Banners & Logo

 .AERO is the Internet top level domain exclusively for aviation industry. Aviation entities such as airlines and private companies are quickly registering .aero domains and using them for their email and web sites.   Banners & Logo

 .EU will be introduced as the future Top-Level-Domain of the European Union. The European Commission has finally decided to designate EURID - the European Registry for Internet Domains -( as the Registry-Operator for the European Top-Level-Domain dotEU.   Banners & Logo

 .IN is the Top-Level-Domain for India. .IN accepts registrations for 2nd and 3rd level domains. Under .IN, as well as, .CO.IN, .NET.IN, .ORG.IN, FIRM.IN, GEN.IN & .IND.IN.   Banners & Logo

 .SC is THE Ideal Top-Level-Domain for Sports Clubs, Scotland, South Carolina, Science, Schools and so Much More! .SC is the ccTLD of Seychelles.   Banners & Logo

 .IM is the newest domain name for the Internet. The .IM domain is an unrestricted and largely untapped domain name space on the Internet. Because this TLD is "new" to the market, there are Still Really Good Names Available.   Banners & Logo

 .BZ "A shorter way to business!" - The .bz domain is an unrestricted and largely untapped domain name space on the Internet and therefore an ideal opportunity for businesses and consumers.   Banners & Logo

 .LA is the new domain name for Los Angeles, Louisiana and Latin America! Any business, organization, or individual interested in taking advantage of this vast marketing opportunity can now easily register this specific domain!   Banners & Logo

 .VC is the new domain name for Venture Capital, Virtual Community, and Very Cool Domains! .VC is ccTLD of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.   Banners & Logo

 .CC - The Universal Internet Address is the ccTLD of Cocos (Keeling) Islands and a popular alternative to dot-com on the internet.   Banners & Logo

 .WS (WebSite) is the Internet-address known for WebSites. Officially it is the ccTLD of Western Samoa being administered by a Global Domains International.   Banners & Logo

 .NU is a hot domain for Everyone. Young Internet users and small companies everywhere are adopting the .nu domain.   Banners & Logo

 .TK is Dividing Domains Differently. The domain is from Tokelau Islands. One of Dot TK's primary objectives is to continue to build its user base of individuals and small businesses interested in Tokelau.   Banners & Logo

 .US, the official country code Top-Level-Domain of the United States, is "AMERICA'S INTERNET ADDRESS" where citizens, businesses, organizations and government agencies establish unique, memorable American identities online.   Banners & Logo

 .CN is the official country code of China. If your clients wants to succeed in China, .CN is the place to get started! Help your customers make inroads into the Chinese marketplace with .CN   Banners & Logo

 .TW is the official country code of Taiwan. If your customers wants to succeed in Taiwan, .TW is the place to get started! The Taiwan marketplace is one of the most dynamic commercial centers in the world today-and your business or organization can gain entry with a .TW name.   Banners & Logo

 .SG is the Top-Level-Domain for Singapore. .SG accepts registrations for 3rd level domain names, you can register The Singapore Network Information Centre Pte Ltd (SGNIC) is the official registry for .SG .COM.SG domains can only be registered by Companies/Organizations.   Banners & Logo

 .JP is the official country code of Japan. If your business wants to succeed in the Japanese market, .JP is the place to get started! The Japan marketplace is one of the most dynamic commercial centers in the world today-and your business or organization can gain entry with a .JP name.   Banners & Logo

 .DE is the Top-Level-Domain for Germany (Deutschland). Of all country codes .DE is the most popular top level domain world-wide and overall it takes second place only to .COM. The number of Internet domains with the ending .DE approaches the six million mark.   Banners & Logo

 .SE - .se domännamn - Is the official Domain ending (TLD) of Sweden. Enterprises and organizations who would like to maintain or develop a business relation to the Swedish market need a .SE domain.   Banners & Logo

 Rejestracja Domen .pl ccTLD - .PL is the Top-Level Domain for Poland. Enterprises and organizations who would like to maintain or develop a business relation to the Polish market need a .PL domain.   Banners & Logo

 .AT is the Top-Level-Domain for Austria. Austria ranks 11th worldwide in Country Top Level Domains. .co.AT and or.AT are also available TLDs.   Banners & Logo

 .Uk is the Top-Level-Domain of the United Kingdom. .UK domains can be registered under for commercial businesses, for non-commercial organizations or for individuals. All registrations under .UK are for 2 years.   Banners & Logo

 .RU is the Top-Level-Domain of Russia. Enterprises and organizations who would like to maintain or develop a business relation to the Russian market need a .RU domain.   Banners & Logo

 .IT is the Top-Level-Domain of Italy. .IT domains can be registered by any company or individual belonging to a European Union (EU) Member State who are interested in registering an .IT Domain or from the Information technology business sector in the .EU.   Banners & Logo

.NL is the Top-Level-Domain for The Netherlands. .NL is the third largest ccTLD in Europe, behind ONLY Germany and the UK in the number of registrations. If your customer does not meet the required local residency requirements in The Netherlands, we offer an Contact Trust Agreement under .NL   Banners & Logo

.ES - .es domain - Is the official Domain ending (TLD) of Spain. NIC.ES has liberalized the registration rules and guidelines for .ES domains 2nd Level and 3rd Level, opening up to international registrations. Enterprises and organizations who would like to maintain or develop a business relation in Spain need a .ES domain.   Banners & Logo


  iRRP.Net - Domain Registrar Reseller Program
  350 Townsend Street Suite 305
  San Francisco CA 94107-1696
  Intl/Tel: +1.415.294.8890
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